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History and Current State of Plans for Chicago's Lakefront

SHARE History and Current State of Plans for Chicago's Lakefront

The Plan of Chicago of 1909, often known as The Burnham Plan

Wacker’s Manual of The Plan of Chicago

Chicago residents were asked to vote on the following referenda concerning lakefront areas:

10 precincts in the Rogers Park Neighborhood, Nov 2004:
Should local, state and federal governments allow extension of Lake Shore Drive or establishment of any other roadways, marinas, housing or commercial structures as part of any lakefront expansion from Hollywood Avenue to Evanston?
Election Results

Full 49th Ward Nov 2006:
Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and Federal Government prohibit any lakefront development from Hollywood Avenue to Evanston which includes extention of Lake Shore Drive or establishment of any other roadways, marinas or harbors, housing, major landfill, or commercial development?
Election Results

10 precincts in the 7th Ward, Feb 2008:
Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Federal government protect and preserve the existing shoreline between 71st and 75th Streets by prohibiting development such as landfill, island parks in the lakes, bridges, revetments or breakwalls by private or public agencies/organizations?
Election Results

48th Ward, Nov 2008:
Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Federal Government prohibit lakefront expansion from Hollywood Ave. to Evanston that includes extension of Lake Shore Drive or establishment of any other roadways, marinas or harbors, housing, major landfill or commercial development?
Election Results

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