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Geoff Brumfiel

A powerful solar storm struck Earth, triggering spectacular celestial light shows in skies around the world — and threatening possible disruptions to satellites and power grids.
Emergency diesel generators are providing power to critical safety systems at the facility, but they only have enough fuel for 48 hours.
The system is designed to provide early warning of what might or might not be actual side effects. But anti-vaccine groups are bending the data to their own ends.
More hospitalized patients are surviving than early in the pandemic. Improved treatments make a big difference, but so does flattening the curve to keep hospitals from overfilling, researchers say.
A growing number of researchers think until there’s an effective vaccine, the coronavirus will simply persist in the population, causing illness indefinitely. Better to squelch the spread instead.
The wildfires in California’s wine country are coming in the midst of a near-record fire season nationwide. Researchers say a warming climate is a factor.
The report on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which vanished in 2014, found that a flight simulator at the pilot’s home contained a route similar to the one investigators think the missing plane took.
North Korea has so far tested its missiles and its nukes separately. But some experts worry Pyongyang may decide to put the two together into a single test.
North Korea has claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb, which is far more powerful than an atomic bomb. Experts think they may have pulled it off.
Carhenge in Alliance, Neb., will be prime viewing for this month’s total solar eclipse. The town is preparing for thousands of visitors.
North Korea’s government and President Trump have traded threats after North Korea’s recent missile tests. And Hadas Gold of Politico discusses pro-Trump news videos on the president’s Facebook page.
The document, which was leaked ahead of publication, states that humans are causing climate change. The findings are at odds with statements by President Trump and key members of his administration.
Scientists say the iceberg is one of the largest seen by satellites. But the full implications of its separation off remain to be seen.
In Part 1 of the series Total Failure, a former NASA official recalls the disastrous mission of the space shuttle Columbia in 2003 and how the accident changed his life forever.
The private company sees Thursday’s achievement as a step toward cheaper flights into deep space.
On Thursday, the private company SpaceX plans to launch a satellite using a rocket that it has launched once before. Reusing equipment could make it cheaper to do business in deep space.
In an interview with CNBC, President Trump’s EPA administrator said he did not believe carbon dioxide is a major contributor to global warming.
The Internet is full of things, including a Reddit subgroup devoted to the act of eating an orange in the shower. We gave it a shot ourselves.