Your NPR news source

Jennifer Brandel

Several varieties of furry fliers are likely closer than you think. Given the rampant spread of a deadly bat disease, we’re lucky to find the critters here at all.
Yes, it tosses most of it, but a smidge is stored and studied. That’s where it gets interesting!
Local governments across the country are dumping ‘alderman’ for gender-inclusive alternatives. Here’s why this particular job title remains a holdout in Chicago and other Illinois cities.
The polar vortex prompted a former Chicagoan to ask about the warmth and well-being of others. The city offers safety from sub-zero temperatures, but not necessarily comfort.
Tales of Victorian-era sexuality, seedy motels, missiles and doughnuts inspired by your curiosity!
Chicago is well-known for that big fire that destroyed the city. So why would we have a means of escape made of wood?
The Progressive Era activist was many things: a Nobel Peace Prize winner, a social reformer, a feminist. But what about ... a lesbian? And, just why should we know in the first place?
You know who else loves to escape the city heat for a summer adventure? Your dog. We bring you a survey of safe spots to take Spot for a frolick.
The iconic “corncob” towers were designed to be much more than places to live. On the 100th birthday of their visionary architect, we reflect on how well these buildings match their original intended use.
Peeling deep into the fruit-lined highway that links far-flung harvests and our plates.
South Sider Ryne Holmquist had lots of opportunities to ponder his Curious City question while he was stuck in traffic on the Dan Ryan Expressway. Yes, we have maps, but we need your stories to help answer this one!
You’d think food blogger Louisa Chu would be stuffed after this assignment. Nope. Pass her the syrup, she says. She wants to stay and hear more stories.
Not one, but four of you curious citizens asked us for the story behind the signs on the highway that show the current number of traffic deaths in Illinois. We get into the history of these signs and the nuances behind how they work.
Channel surfers can now swim in the pool of curiosity by catching our vids on WYCC PBS Chicago’s In the Loop. That’s every Thursday at 7 p.m. on channel 20.
The first season of the Curious City podcast is coming to a close. We’re taking a break to recallibrate and make our second season even better. And to do that, we’d love your help! Please consider spending five minutes filling out our survey.
A Chicago transplant asked what — if anything — is unique to Chicago. Answers were slippery, but our songster grabbed the best and wrote a song.
We can barely keep up with your questions about public works, but WBEZ’s history blogger joins Curious City’s most enthusiastic commenter to wipe the slate clean. On deck: Anyone live in that bridgehouse (other than trolls)? There was a street named after a hot dog stand?