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John Burnett

Union Gen. Gordon Granger set up his headquarters in Galveston, Texas, and famously signed an order June 19, 1865, “All slaves are free.” President Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday last year.
As the U.S. celebrates the second federal holiday honoring Juneteenth, several myths persist about the origins and history about what happened when enslaved people were emancipated in Texas.
Last year a Black-owned Texas brewery asked the craft industry to take their beer, Black is Beautiful, and use the proceeds to support equality, inclusion and social justice reform. It worked.
Many are fleeing crime and poverty in Central America and rushing to the U.S.-Mexico border. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week called the situation a “stressful challenge.”
In two-thirds of over 1,500 cases from April 2016 to February 2018, Immigration and Customs Enforcement put migrant youth into detention when they turned 18, according to government data.
Outrage over the administration’s policy of family separations at the border prompted an outpouring of donations to bond funds. People are giving so detained immigrants can post bond and be released.
A federal judge is allowing more time to return all children under 5 who were separated from their parents at the border.
The Trump administration called five new detention facilities to be built and operated by private prison corporations. Just one facility in Texas will cost taxpayers $44 million per year.
The federal lawsuit claims the 10-year-old girl has a constitutional right to be in her parents’ care. Border Patrol agents detained her last week following emergency surgery.
While the mockups are massive, it’s anybody’s guess whether they’ll ever get built.
President Trump is expected to take a helicopter ride over parts of the island that were demolished by the storm. Aid workers privately hope he doesn’t stay too long and disrupt relief operations.
The controversial Texas law was aimed at strengthening immigration enforcement, but sparked bitter protests. The law was to go into effect on Friday and would have punished so-called sanctuary cities.
Houston’s mayor urges people in the country illegally and in the path of flooding not to hesitate to call for help. Immigrants may fear coming to the attention of authorities and being deported.
Texans are upset that the first plans for Trump’s border wall show that it will rip through two nature preserves. The border patrol insists public access will be guaranteed.
Brandon Martinez, 16, was one of nearly 40 undocumented immigrants found in a trailer in San Antonio. His father laments that his son suffered so much to cross the border, just like he did.
Under President Trump, arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement have skyrocketed. Their actions have stoked outrage but agents say they’re misunderstood and they’re just enforcing the law.
Arrests of people who are in the U.S. illegally are way up in Texas — and immigrant rights groups don’t like it. Immigration agents, however, say they’re just enforcing the law.
Cannabis entrepreneurs hope to capitalize on the state’s wine tourism industry by melding marijuana with meals and snagging some fertile land. But many winemakers are taking a wait-and-see approach.