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Nell Greenfieldboyce

The James Webb Space Telescope blasted off from French Guinea around 7:20 a.m. ET on Saturday. The NASA launch is decades in the making and should reveal the earliest galaxies in the universe.
The emergence of COVID-19 started scientists on a year-long, crash course to learn how this virus might travel through the air and how to stop it. They learned a lot, and quickly.
A Twinkie stored in a basement for eight years has been transformed by fungi, giving scientists something unusual to ponder and probe.
There’s a lot that scientists don’t know about how viral infections can interact. But researchers are eager to figure out how coronavirus infections might affect flu infections and vice versa.
NASA and SpaceX are welcoming home two astronauts who splashed down safely in the Gulf of Mexico after several months on the International Space Station.
NASA and SpaceX plan to launch astronauts to the International Space Station on Wednesday. It’ll be the first time a new kind of spacecraft has launched astronauts into orbit since the space shuttle.
The data from China offer insights into the way different age groups are affected after being infected.
Physicians have been taught to look for signs of hopelessness, sadness and lack of motivation to help them diagnose depression. But anger as a depression symptom is less often noticed or addressed.
NASA is launching a mission to find Earth-sized planets beyond our solar system that scientists can study for signs of life. Scientists already know of over 3,000 planets around distant stars.
“Space Policy Directive 1,” which Trump signed Monday, sees Mars as the ultimate destination. But analysts wonder whether money will follow to support the plan.
Researchers used equipment that detects muons. Measuring the density of the tiny particles yielded an image of what’s behind the pyramid walls with no damage to the ancient structure.
That’s the conclusion of a study performed as Washington, D.C., rolled out its huge program. The city has one of the largest forces in the country, with some 2,600 officers now wearing cameras.
Enhancing a research monkey’s life by housing it with a pal often doesn’t hurt the study, says a researcher who’s done it. In her own experience, she says, “it actually helped to improve the science.”
As the powerful storm approaches the U.S., here are some of the basics about the dangers it poses.
The Earth won’t enjoy total solar eclipses forever because the moon is moving farther away, so it looks smaller and smaller over time.
A small number of passionate “shadow-lovers” roam the world to be at exactly the right place when the moon blots out the sun. One man has seen 33 — and calls each “one of the top events of my life.”
A total solar eclipse is one of the most magnificent sights you can ever see. But you need the right kind of eye protection, and some of what’s being sold out there isn’t safe.
Most of the 56,000 eyes sent to the little lab in Wisconsin come from vets who want help diagnosing dogs, cats and horses. But the repository also has eyes from sloths, elephant seals and dragonflies.