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Nico Lang

At a time when many traditional institutions are changing and religious worship attendance continues to decline, promposals serve to fill a void.
God Is Not a Bully is a video project in which LGBTQ people share the message that “God is love, not hate” by telling their personal experiences of religion and finding embrace for exactly who they are, all of it.
Last year I wrote an article on reasons I love being a Chicagoan. But why should 2012 have all the fun? Here’s 40 reasons I’m looking forward to another year in the city of wind and LeBron hatred.
Bynes’ meltdown came to prominence earlier this year on Twitter. One tweet was shared over 52,000 times.
I often brag about how “safe” I feel.
A new movement of academics is attempting to challenging our cultural phobia of sex the best way they know how: education.
Ramsey’s down-to-earth, offbeat version of the events in Cleveland made him an instant celebrity.
I said goodbye to him as the elevator doors opened. I never saw him again.
It’s not just the media that are putting the idea in girls’ heads that their appearance is what matters most. It’s adults. Do you think fifth grade girls are enrolling themselves in fat camps?
Where are the lesbian spaces? Over the past few years, queer and lesbi-friendly bars have closed up shop in Chicago, including T’s, which abruptly announced closure in March.
Big Star is a love letter to Chicago, a testament to our city’s endless capacity for invention.
Reader’s Digest publishes an annual poll on the most and least trusted people in the world. At the bottom of the list this year is Kristen Stewart, with the same approval rating as the Confederacy.
“Even if Boystown were an ideal space, it still wouldn’t be enough,” Serrano said. “If we used that model, there would be one central library instead of branches in all of the neighborhoods. One neighborhood can’t speak for the entire community.”
Director Cora Bassett wanted Roadkill to be immersive, as a way into the world of sex trafficking. The play follows Mary, a girl from a poor family in Nigeria who comes to Chicago.
After her second foray into the world of cookbooks, Gwyneth Paltrow was voted the “Most Hated Celebrity” in the world. I sincerely hope that Kim Jong Un was ineligible.
Billie Jean King. Martina Navratilova. Sheryl Swoopes. What do all of these women have in common?
Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can’t take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. However, other times things just suck. This week, Arrested Development sucked.
A roundup of some of Chicago’s funniest ladies.