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Rebecca Hersher

Some ecosystems have already been irreversibly altered, scientists say. And climate change is wreaking havoc on human health.
Climate change means more flood risk from rising seas, hurricanes and heavy rain. Black communities in the southern U.S. are in the crosshairs, according to a new analysis.
The case brought by Baltimore is one of more than 20 similar lawsuits nationwide that seek to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their role in climate change.
The U.N. has released the most comprehensive global climate science report ever. It is unequivocal: Humans must stop burning fossil fuels or suffer catastrophic impacts.
Hundreds of scientists are meeting to finalize a landmark climate report. It’s meant to guide the next decade of international climate policy, but it’s unclear if politicians will act on it.
You’re looking for a new place to live. You know that fires and floods might be a problem, especially with climate change, but how much do you really know about your risk?
Hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves and disease outbreaks are all a preview of our hotter future. Dramatically cutting greenhouse gas emissions would help.
The EPA does not require companies to notify federal regulators if the pandemic interferes with pollution monitoring or reporting. That leaves states alone on the front lines of pollution control.
According to the government’s most comprehensive assessment to date, climate change has already damaged American infrastructure and cost both money and lives.
The agency’s next acting chief has drawn praise as a capable administrator. But critics still say the transition from Scott Pruitt is a bit like “going from a train wreck to a house on fire.”
After months of ethics scandals and investigations, the embattled EPA head has resigned, the president said Thursday.
To see if music really is a universal language, researchers gave people 14 second samples of songs from around the world and asked them to say what kind of song it is.
Hurricane Harvey caused industrial facilities to release an extra 5.98 million pounds of air pollution. Some people who live and work near the plants are frustrated with the federal response.
People with kidney failure typically need dialysis every other day to stay healthy. Delays in treatment can quickly become life-threatening.
As America prepares for the eclipse on Aug. 21, here are some basic facts about the phenomenon.
New research suggests that when puppies have more attentive, active mothers, they’re more likely to fail guide-dog training.
Despite support from the World Health Organization for the latest adult ADHD screening survey, some researchers worry that it will lead to over-prescribing of powerful amphetamines.
A review of child deaths after fatal car crashes found wide variations by state and region, and suggests state authorities could radically decrease child deaths by changing traffic safety laws.