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Sam Hudzik

We look to last year’s hearings for insight into how aldermen will grill city officials this year.
There’s been glowing reaction to Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan’s selection as Mitt Romney’s running mate from Republican politicians and pundits, around the country and in Illinois. But what about Republican voters?
Mitt Romney chose a northwest suburb of Chicago Tuesday to attack President Obama on new welfare rules. Romney then got to work raising a couple million in campaign cash.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, is due in Illinois Tuesday morning. Romney has visited the state regularly in recent months, but the agenda’s a bit different this time.
In their first weekend with the power to write tickets for low-level marijuana possession, Chicago police officers wrote just a handful of the citations.
What happens if a suspect is walking through a park or on school grounds? Arrested. 16 years old? Arrested. And what if the suspect is caught actually smoking a joint? Arrested.
The message out of the first meeting of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s “infrastructure trust” board: We’re new here.
Chicago cabbies are expected at city hall Tuesday to argue for their first fare increase in seven years, but they may have to wait a bit longer.
Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno appears to have lined up the support he would need to keep Chick-fil-A out of his Northwest Side ward, at least for the time-being. After Chick-fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy, spoke out against gay marriage, Moreno decided to block a zoning change he said the restaurant would need.
In silence on Wednesday, Chicago’s City Council agreed to spend more than $7 million to settle a pair of lawsuits filed by victims of police torture.
In January, the city council signed off on new boundaries for Chicago’s wards. But the mapmakers had been up the whole night before tinkering and making adjustments to appease aldermen. That meant some of the legal descriptions for the wards were off, inaccurate, wrong.
In the final installment of our tour of Chicago’s neighborhoods, Gil Rosario talks about his chat with Rahm Emanuel, and how Uptown needs some more nightlife.
Illinois election officials Monday morning are expected to boot four presidential candidates from the November ballot.