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City Hall

Burke, 80, Chicago’s longest-serving City Council member, is two weeks away from his June 24 sentencing hearing. Burke’s lawyers have asked the judge to give their client no prison time.
The city’s annual point-in-time count showed nearly 19,000 people were unhoused on a single night in January.

Johnson is “mayor 24-7,” a spokesman says. “Appearances matter.” Most of his spending went to a South Side makeup artist, and a West Side barbershop was paid $4,000.
Since taking office, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s campaign has returned lobbyist contributions despite a ban on those donations.
The ordinance would allow fines for failing to meet safety certifications or for selling lithium-ion batteries that have been reassembled with cells from used batteries.

Mayor Brandon Johnson was questioned on his long term plans for a guaranteed income program that relies on expiring federal funds.

“This city has a history of attacking and trying to bring down their African American leaders,” CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. told a City Council committee.