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Janus v. AFSCME Labor Law Case: Key Takeaways

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The Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

The nation’s high court last week put off ruling on a case that originated here in Illinois.

Janus versus American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is a U.S. labor law case that centers on the right of public employee unions to collect fees from non-union members for the service of collective bargaining.

Morning Shift talks to Steve Schwinn, Constitutional Law Professor at Chicago’s John Marshall Law School, for more details on the case including the backstory and it implications. 

GUEST: Steve Schwinn, professor at the John Marshall Law School


SCOTUS Blog: Janus vs. AFSCME

(Scotus Blog 7/16/17)

Supreme Court to rule on public-sector union fees in Janus vs. AFSCME case (Chicago Tribune 6/25)

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