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Chicago aldermen have few questions about police discipline

At a time when policing is of major public concern nationally, Chicago aldermen had just a smattering of questions for the head of the Chicago Police Board Friday.

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Chicago aldermen have few questions about police discipline

flickr/Bartosz Brzezinski

At a time when policing is of major public concern nationally, Chicago aldermen had just a smattering of questions for the head of the Chicago Police Board Friday.

Board President Lori Lightfoot appeared before the city council alongside Police Board Executive Director Max Caproni as part of the annual budget process.

The police board hands out discipline in the most serious cases of police misconduct.

Of 50 aldermen, fewer than 20 attended and only 5 had questions. The hearing was over in about 35 minutes.

More aldermen showed up for the next hearing on animal care and control, where Ald. Margaret Laurino discussed citizens who feed wild animals. At the end of her questions she thanked the executive director of animal care and control.

“So once again I wanted to thank you for rescuing a deer in my block,” said Laurino. “Thank you. Not you per… you weren’t personally, but I’m sure you were personally involved somehow. Thank you.”

Budget hearings for city departments continue next week.

Robert Wildeboer is a WBEZ criminal and legal affairs reporter. Follow him at @robertwildeboer.

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