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The Educator’s Advocate Handbook was published January 2024.

Nadia Hernandez

Rebecca Kling - pride flag photo.jpg

The Educator’s Advocate Handbook was published January 2024.

Nadia Hernandez

How to be a better teacher to transgender students

As states surrounding Illinois pass laws restricting transgender children, a new book illustrates a framework for educators to better include their trans students.

The Educator’s Advocate Handbook was published January 2024.

Nadia Hernandez


Families have been fleeing to Illinois to protect their transgender and non-binary children from anti-trans laws and enroll them in more inclusive schools. The Supreme Court agreed to review one law this week that restricts

Families have been fleeing to states like Illinois to protect their transgender and non-binary children from anti-trans laws and enroll them in more inclusive schools.

But many of the laws on the books directly relate to education and school school policy. In 2023, at least 14 states passed laws regulating bathroom access, sports participation, or pronoun and name changes specifically in K-12 schools.

Across the nation, many educators are fighting back and confronting these school policies. And a new book is hoping to give teachers a guide to create more inclusive classrooms – no matter the laws in their state.

To hear more, Reset sat down with the co-authors Rebecca Kling, a nationally known trans advocate based in Chicago, and Vanessa Ford, a former educator and a parent to a trans child.

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